What is Interaction Design and How it Works?

An interaction design is a vital component in the UX or user experience design giant umbrella. It’s what should be in mind when it comes to digital projects.

Interaction Design, A Definition

Simply put, interaction design could be understood as a design of interaction between products and users.

Often, when talking about it, products are software products such as websites or apps. Designing interactions aims in building products that let users achieve in the best possible way all their objectives. Angular web development could render interaction design services to meet business requirements.

If this may seem broad, it’s because it is broad. Interaction between a product and a user usually involves several elements, including motion, sound, space, aesthetics and a whole lot more. Each of the elements certainly could involve more specialized fields, including a design to craft sounds utilized in user interactions.

Dimensions of Interaction Design

An Angular developer could build a design that effectively impacts the interaction between products and customers. There are several dimensions that are useful in understanding what interaction design involves.

  1. Visual representations. It’s all about graphical elements, such as typography and icons, the images that users interact with. Usually, they supplement words in communicating information to customers.
  2. Words. Particularly those that are used in interactions, such as button labels, must be simple yet meaningful to understand. Words should convey more information, but not too much as to overwhelm.
  3. Physical space or objects. Take into account physical objects that users use in interacting with products. A laptop with a touchpad or mouse for instance or a smartphone?  Find out what physical space users use to do so. All these impact interactions between a user and a product.
  4. Time. This usually refers to media, which changes along with time, including sounds, animation and videos. Sounds and motion play a critical role in providing audio and visual feedback to interactions. It’s also about the time a user spends in product interaction, which users could keep tabs on their progress or continue interaction later.
  5. Behavior. This includes product mechanism. Check out how users do actions on the website and how they operate the product. In simple terms, it is how dimensions previously define product interactions. Also, it includes reactions, such as emotional feedback or responses of users and a product.

Easy Steps to do Interaction Design

Direct Attention

A good example of how the interaction design works. Web visitors will interact with the website based on the things that direct their attention. Animation comes in with different images, colors, as well as CTA button text. Peruse the website based on all the five dimensions of interaction.

Moreover, analyze the elements which acquire the most attention. Pre-attentive processing comes into play then. Pre-attentive processing plays a crucial role in human vision. With this information, the job of a designer, or a React JS developer for instance is to consider those aspects directing the attention in the most accurate way.

Evoke Feelings

Feelings or emotions drive most web decisions. People do not make a purchase out of wanting a product, but because of how the product makes them feel. When building emotions, you build an excitement as well, which motivates people to convert and make a purchase.

Rather than droning about all the features, consider how the product or service could boost people’s lives and help them to envision all ways that their lives would be impacted positively by taking action, whether subscribing, clicking or purchasing.

Educate Customers

Visitors go to a website likely to find information. Regardless if it’s image-based or text-based, the information must be delivered in a way that educates web users without overwhelming them. When educating the audience, there is a tendency to focus too much on the product or service features. These may be important, but interaction design aims for more benefits discussed in the content.

Remember, the design is all about how users feel during interaction with the website.

When talking more about benefits instead of features, you relay all the ways that the lives of customers could be improved by opting or the brand or the competition.

Making Decision

Go over the website such as a new visitor and ask if you are clicking, hovering and taking the actions that you do. Analyze the website in such a way that you could provide unique insights, which could help simplify the website for more efficient, faster action. This could help minimize the time to take from lead to customers, as well as to make a more efficient funnel to different advantages, which include of course rise in profit.

Check the aspect in your website where visitors could experience decision paralysis. Web visitors are then presented with numerous choices that could lead to not make any decision at all but instead leave the website. If you have too many options, remove some for a more efficient conversion.

Credibility and Trust

Go through the site as if you’re a visitor and determine if you actually trust it. Assess if the design looks professional and if you have any doubts on inserting your credit card number to buy. To add more credibility, consider adding testimonials, positive reviews and other company logos to the web properties.

Making a Path

Never allow your website to become a maze where visitors have to toil through to achieve their goals. The design should not only make for a more enjoyable experience, but should also create a clear and efficient conversion path. Whether this means making an app easier to use, make certain the visitors could find anything they need in just a single or a couple of clicks or better yet simplify the landing page by including only one form.

Customer Re-engagement

Most e-commerce marketers only focus on first-time customers and new leads. Nonetheless, most consumers prefer to buy products from places they already bought from, which could include your e-commerce store. When completing the interaction design analysis, find out how you could attract customers to return and purchase again.

Concentrating on return customers and not just new customers could develop a loyalty loop that keeps a business profitable for many years to come.

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