How to Make an Effective Web Design for a Personal Brand

The 21st century is a time when the entrepreneurial spirit is getting stronger. People try to run their own businesses to benefit society and not depend on anyone else. Successful web design plays a huge role in building and developing a personal brand. Your relationship with your clients, the success of your sales, and the effectiveness of your marketing strategy depend on it. In this article, we will share a few basic tips on how to use web design to build a brand so that it resonates with your target audience and brings you success.

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Create an Intuitive Design

If the navigation and structure of the site are not intuitive, the number of questions that arise increases, and it becomes more difficult for users to understand how the system works and how to get from point A to point B. Clear structure, visual cues, and easily recognizable links will help users find their way to their goal. As a result, the less the user has to think about the meaning of his actions, the better his impression of the site, which is the main principle of usability.

Use Specific Colors to Influence

The main lever of successful sales is trust. Entrepreneurs build it in different ways: invest in creating video content to establish a strong emotional connection, to form a social proof and increase the demand for the brand, publish testimonials, successful cases, etc. Color is another tool that plays a huge role in branding as each shade carries certain information. Because colors have several associations in people’s minds, you can initially induce confidence in the brand among potential customers. It is necessary to understand the basic psychology of color, and depending on the type of activity, make a successful design of the resource.

Write Effectively

There are several optimal solutions for effective text. Use short, concise expressions so users can get to the point as quickly as possible. Categorize content, use tiered headings, visual elements, and lists that break the flow of text blocks. Promo texts should not sound like an advertisement, offer your users some objective reasons why they should use your service or stay on your website.

Create a Logo

Among the great competition, it is very important to stand out and be noticed. Many focus on memorable nicknames and attractive avatars in social networks, some hold attention with the help of high statistics and regularly buy Instagram followers and other activity metrics. A high-quality logo is another way to stand out, it displays the whole brand and the direction of your company. This is how customers will recognize you. The main principles of a successful logo are simplicity, clarity, originality, versatility, and scalability.

Strive for Simplicity

The principle of “keep it simple” should be the main goal of site design. From the perspective of visitors, the best is the plain design, without advertising blocks or any additional links. So, clearly show information about the site and do not overload the visitor with unnecessary content.

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