Pop-Ups Design – Best Practices

Every website owner is doing their best to increase conversions. After all, the more visitors who convert into paying customers, the better. One way to do this is with pop ups.

Pop-up design is an emerging digital trend that will certainly work wonders for your business. It’s a new medium, so you’ll find no rules in place. So if you have a website but are unsure how to make your pop-up design work harder for you, you’re in the right place. We have done the research, and now we’re ready to share best practices that will drive higher conversions.

Match the Design of Your Popup with the Design of Your Site

The design of your website has a huge impact on how well your pop-ups work. This is because inbound marketing needs to be part of an integrated process. If you have a brightly-colored website but you decide to use dark popup templates, it might not get the desired response from visitors. It’s important to match it up with the design used in other parts of your site. Moreover, having a different style of pop-up on your site can create a jarring effect and make visitors feel uncomfortable.

Experiment with New Shapes to Capture Attention

If you can spare time, always experiment with new shapes for your pop-ups. There is not one shape that will work for every website. Some popups get the attention of visitors better than others. One example is a three-dimensional popup that appears at the bottom of your website as soon as someone scrolls down.

This particular design will attract attention and cause visitors to stop scrolling down immediately to check it out because it looks like an image that has fallen from the top of your site. You can also try a horizontally expanded popup that takes over your whole screen to grab people’s attention before they exit.

Use Color Blocks on Background Images to Increase Readability

Design is important, but when using popups, you need to make sure they’re easy to read. The problem is that most people are so distracted by a popup that they don’t actually look at what’s written. You can increase readability by using color blocks on background images.

This will allow people to easily see the call-to-action button and have high visibility against the color of your background image. These days, a lot of people are accessing websites from their mobiles. If you are designing for mobile devices, you should first test the design on a real device and ensure it’s easy to read in different lighting conditions.

Make Your Call-to-Action Button the Center of Attention to Drive More Clicks

There are two ways to ensure that your call-to-action (CTA) button is the center of attention: you can use a hover state or a large-sized button. If you are going to use a hover state, focus on using an unobtrusive image that isn’t too big. And remember, use high-quality images that won’t jar with your website design.

A popup on screen

Customize Design for Different Devices to Avoid Annoying Google

If you’re planning on selling digital products, you should test the design on different devices to see what works best. This is because Google will rank your site based on the number of pages indexed, but they also consider how beautiful your design is.

They use a range of variables to determine how often your page should be indexed, so putting hours of effort into perfecting the design will pay off in the long run. To avoid annoying Google, you need to consider how visitors will interact with your pop up. They also look at what people do when they arrive at your website and what they do when reading it. This helps Google figure out whether or not they should index your page.

Use Color Contrast to Highlight Text and Actions

Highlighting text and actions isn’t in itself a strategic marketing strategy, but it can help people solve a problem. Because of this, it’s important to use color contrast to highlight the text and actions that appear on your popup. You can use bright colors with dark backgrounds, or you can use darker colors with light backgrounds. You should also try to match the background color with what you’re trying to say. This will make your popup more noticeable and help visitors get the message faster.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are plenty of things to consider when designing a popup. If you want to be an effective marketer and create the most attractive popups possible, you need to develop a strategy. Pop-ups can be a powerful way to get potential customers interested in your products and services, but they won’t work if they’re poorly designed.

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