Landing Page as a Key to Gaining Focus Attention

Every component of your digital marketing strategy is vital to the success of your business, but landing pages make a crucial impact in terms of conversion rates. After all, this is where you want the customer to be and convince him/her to take the desired action based on your instructions.

However, it turns out that way too many brands neglect the importance of building a standout landing page. They forget that landing pages are a key to gaining focus attention because it encourages visitors to make a highly specific move such as:

  • To purchase a product or service
  • Contact your sales agents via email, phone call, or live chat
  • Register for an event 
  • Sign in to your email newsletter 
  • Download free content 

But how do you design a high-converting landing page? Keep reading to learn nine ways to do it in great style!

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

1. Make it Simple and Straightforward

The first rule of building a great landing page is to keep it simple, focused, and straightforward. Reports show that a staggering 50% of landing pages contain multiple offers, which is a surefire way to kill conversions. Your job is to concentrate on one business objective only as it leaves visitors with no room for confusion or misconceptions.

2. Include All of the Basic Landing Page Elements

Do you know the fundamental components of a landing page? If not, you better learn it because every landing page is supposed to contain the following: 

  • A headline with an appealing message that inspires visitors to keep reading
  • A short description of your offer that explains the nature and the purpose of your product or service
  • Strengthen your message by adding a few product images or even a video description 
  • Leave enough room for a highly visible call to action (CTA) that stands out from other parts of the content

3. Focus on Presenting the Value of Your Offer

Although a landing page should be straightforward and clear, you are not supposed to write a copy that is too simple or rigid. On the contrary, you are expected to describe the value behind your offer and give visitors a whole list of reasons to take action and download eBooks, start free trials, or subscribe to the newsletter.

4. Remove the Navigation Bar from Landing Pages

A typical webpage will always come with a navigation bar included, but landing pages are not your average webpages. They serve a highly particular purpose and so you do not want to give potential customers any additional options to explore.

The logic is quite the opposite because you need to limit navigation possibilities and force visitors to stay on the landing page until they press the CTA button. Perhaps this sounds a bit too pushy, but that’s the whole point of building a unique landing page for a given marketing campaign.

5. Never Use a Hompage as a Landing Page

This one goes without saying, but we notice that many businesses keep repeating the same mistake all over again. A study reveals that over 40% of B2B businesses redirect potential clients to the homepage instead of the landing page. 

If you closely followed our previous tips, you can see the problem here – homepages offer too many options and give visitors the chance to browse the entire website at will. A landing page has a totally different purpose, so you better make sure to design one for every campaign separately.

6. Keep the Landing Page Relevant

Another detail you ought to remember is that landing pages must be relevant content-wise. What does it mean? 

It means that the content on a landing page has to match the initial content that has brought the visitor to your site. If your email newsletter explains the impact of nutrition on health, you better continue in the same fashion and offer additional details on the landing page. 

But if you fail to do so, rest assured the audience will abandon your landing page immediately.

7. Create a Trustworthy Landing Page

Apart from being focused and clear, a landing page also needs to look trustworthy. The first rule here is to make it look professional and well-designed, while other tricks include: 

  • Adding customer testimonials to support your landing page copy
  • Adding quality and/or security badges if you have any
  • Indicating social approval with the number of purchases, views, or downloads

All these social proof techniques will make your landing page look more credible and help the audience realize they are dealing with a trustworthy business.

8. Show the Benefits of Your Product / Service

A landing page should not be business-centric. A typical customer does not want to read about you and your qualities. On the contrary, users are interested in one question only: What’s in it for me? When you design a landing page, you are supposed to concentrate on answering this question and presenting the benefits of a given product or service.

9. Simplify Registration Forms

The average number of form fields on landing page conversion forms is 11, but reducing it to only four can increase conversions by 120%. The reason is obvious – users don’t want to invest too much work in signing up, downloading, or purchasing something online. 

You must keep it in mind and reduce the number of form fields to the bare minimum. This sort of simplification will drive user engagement and drastically increase the conversion potential of your landing pages.

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Up to You!

Building a landing page should not be a big deal in 2020, but somehow it still makes a lot of webmasters and digital marketers dazed and confused. If you want to design a high-converting landing page, you need to use the state of the art techniques that guarantee to boost user engagement.

We showed you nine practical ways to do it quickly, but now it is up to you and your team to put ideas into practice and begin creating standout landing pages.

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