6 Ideas on How to Create an Attractive Product Packaging

Whether you sell products online or in-store, product packaging is an engaging way to catch the customer’s attention. Research suggests that most consumers proceed to buy or reject a product after only seeing the packaging. Working on the packaging is as crucial as perfecting the product itself. It helps you build a narrative for the product and boosts brand identity. Read on as we share with you six ideas to create eye-catching packaging to make your product stand out in the market.

Yellow Images marketplace

1. Selecting the Right Colors

The color selection of the packaging can make a difference. The color you choose should be able to grab the customer’s attention and increase your product engagement. The human eye is most attracted towards red, green, pink, and yellow colors. Using these colors can increase the likelihood of your product being picked up by the customer.

However, this does not mean you only have to stick with these colors. Never hesitate to experiment with different colors, contrasts, and shades to determine which ones define your product best. Using visually appealing colors can make your packaging stand out from your competitors and capture the attention of potential customers. Doing a competitor search can reveal valuable information which can help you choose a unique color and which improve the product identity.

If you’re still on the fence about which colors to pick for your product packaging, go for a color that has a cultural meaning to it. For example, blue is associated with trust, green with prosperity, and red with love. Lastly, don’t forget to associate the color with the product. If you are selling beauty products, lavender, pink, or teal would be a great pick. Likewise, slate gray, brown, and dark green colors go perfectly with products related to hiking.

2. Connecting to Customers

When creating packaging, always keep the consumer in mind. Experiment with different ideas to understand what appeals to the customers. Hiring a professional packaging designer and using graphics on your wrapping is a great way of connecting with the customer. For example, the graphics and designs on the packaging of skin cosmetics would be different from the sleek and bold packaging of a SMART TV.

One thing to never overlook in your packaging is the product phrasing. The phrases you use should communicate to the customer exactly what the product is. The text should be kept short and simple. Putting too much text is never a good idea and can ruin the design. Furthermore, the font you use to write the phrases should blend in perfectly with the packaging design. As you work on connecting with customers, avoid adding any phrase or graphics that misrepresents the product because the customer is always expecting an honest representation of your product on the cover.

3. Ergonomic and Eco-Friendly Designs

The packaging should have the perfect dimensions to fit the product nicely, should be easy to carry, and ensure the product is safe. As you work on the packaging, consider how the product will be used by the consumer. For example, if it is a liquid-based household cleaning product, packaging it in a spray bottle would be the best option.

An example of good packaging
Image by pexels.com

You can give your brand an eco-friendly identity by using simple and recyclable packaging. Never overdo it by adding extra layers of plastic as the packaging will eventually end up in a landfill. Working on reducing waste is a smart move for a business. Let’s say you are running a wine business and produce paper labels to put on your bottles.

An eco-friendly alternative to paper labels is a glass screen printer since it can easily etch your product name, logo, and relevant information directly on any glass surface. These glass printers can also work on plastics and other forms of hard packaging. Therefore, do your homework and research ways you can make the packaging ergonomic and eco-friendly.

4. The Texture of the Packaging

Besides creating an attractive look for your packaging, it is essential to work on its texture. The next thing a customer does after seeing an appealing product on the shelf is touching it. Creating a positive tactical experience for the customer can improve you brand’s identity by many folds. Using matte, gloss, and soft textures can increase the engagement time the consumer has with your product.

A simple research study revealed that the texture of the packaging does indeed influence the user’s actions. The study used a beverage and presented it in two different cups. One cup was a flimsy one whereas the other one was sturdy. Despite the same product in both the cups, participants chose the sturdy cup believing the beverage quality to be better than the other cup.

5. Safe and Stackable Packaging

A product must stay safe and protected from the outside environment, especially when the product is related to the food industry. Make sure the packaging you make can keep the food safe up till its specified shelf life.

Packaging of pasta to glass bottle
Image by pexels.com

Furthermore, consider how your product will be stored and stacked up. Retailers might not be comfortable storing packaging that cannot stack on top of each other. It’s great if you can come up with a packaging design that’s unique, easy to store, and different from the standard designs. Still, remember to never go for a design that is too odd, and difficult to store and transport.

6. Using Quality Material

Besides keeping the packaging ergonomic and eco-friendly, always use quality materials to stand out from the crowd. As mentioned earlier, conducting market research and competitor analysis will help in improving the packaging by many folds.

Product packaging is an essential component that connects your brand with the customer, helps you tell your brand story, and most importantly protects the product till it reaches the consumer. As you work on finalizing your product packaging, don’t forget to keep a tab on the latest trends and revamp your product accordingly to get the best possible outcomes. We hope you find the presented information useful in creating a packaging that suits your product the best.

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